BEING Challenge: Seek Solitude

man standing in front of the window

BEING Challenge: Seek Solitude

October 29, 2023

Prayer Before Worship

Dear God, You do say through Your beloved Son: …. You do not fail to call us graciously through Your Son to hear Your word when He says: Blessed are they who hear God’s Word and keep it. We are dust and ashes and stand in need of Your word a thousand times more than You need hearers. O how inexpressibly wonderful and great are Your goodness and patience! And how pitiful is the thanklessness and total blindness of those who not only fail to hear Your word but also maliciously despise, persecute, and blasphemy it. O God, the Father of all poor, forlorn souls, grant all of us your grace, and enlighten us with your truth.  Amen.  ~ a prayer of Martin Luther for before going to church.


As we explore the five keystone habits of Jesus to help us grow in our relationship with God, today we focus on the fourth keystone habit: Seek Solitude. Solitude is not about being alone. It is about being alone with God. It is an intentional effort to quiet the noise and distractions in our lives in order to fill our minds with God, His Word, and His affirmation of love for you. This last Sunday in October is also the time of year when we remember the Protestant Reformation which Dr. Martin Luther began on October 31, 1517. Much of today’s service will celebrate the Scripture truth that Luther rediscovered: you are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ!