
Celebrate – 5

Celebrate – 5

August 16, 2020

Prayer Before Worship   The warmth of the sun’s embrace, the gentle breeze swept in by incoming tide, the rhythm of seasons, of new birth, death and recreation.  All these speak so clearly of Your love, Your power, and Your beauty. All are expressions of Your creativity, and more importantly of Yourself, Heavenly Father. As an artist might share his personality within each brushstroke, so within the myriad colors of a butterfly’s wing You share the exuberance of Your love.  Amen.

Sermon Text

In Today’s Worship:   “Hallelujah!  Celebrate what’s RIGHT in the world.”  The pandemic, economy, the uncertainty, fear, and unrest  cause us to focus on the negative things.  Yet, in spite of troubles, God’s goodness is all around, if only we have the eyes to see it. Today we praise God for His genius in creating the complex and amazing world we live in.  Since you are not here by chance, but here because God purposefully created you, your life has value and dignity!