
God’s Plan – 1

God’s Plan – 1

April 18, 2021

Prayer Before Worship   Lord Jesus Christ, Author of life, help me believe Peter’s bold proclamation of Your resurrection, Your healing presence, and see in Your tragic suffering the joyful forgiveness of my many sins.  Set my mind on heavenly things. Fill me with your joy.  Amen.

In Today’s Worship:  We have been praying to God to remove the pandemic we are all experiencing.  These prayers are right and good.  Could it be, however, that God’s concern is not to remove our earthly problems like sickness, but that He can work through them to bring blessings much, much bigger than we ever foresaw?  The disciples saw Jesus’ suffering and death as complete tragedy.  They expected Jesus to bring a new earthly kingdom.  Jesus appeared to them in the evening of Easter Sunday opening their understanding of God’s remedy for this world.  God does not remove problems like suffering and death – even for Jesus – but through them He brings His solution: repentance and forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ!

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