Prayer Before Worship Through this season of Lent, O Lord, remind us often when we are feeling proud, arrogant, beyond reproach, pleased with ourselves, self-sufficient in our ways, that for such as us and better and worse You walked a road that took You to a cruel cross, and rose again to show us where we might look for rescue. Amen.
IN TODAY’S WORSHIP The 7 Greatest Words of Love. The weeks leading up to Easter we are listening to Jesus’ final words that He spoke while giving His life for us on the cross. Today we hear His fifth statement. Just before He died, near 3 pm in the afternoon, Jesus said, “I Thirst.” Of all His words from the cross, this is the most human, and the simplest. The thirst of a person crucified was agonizing. The physical pain Jesus endured in His body was awful. In a lesser way, we suffer pain and sickness in our bodies. Jesus understands what we face, and this invites us to trust Him!