
Revelation – Final


Revelation – Final

September 11, 2022

    Prayer Before Worship:   Come, O Christ, and loose the chains that bind us;  Lead us forth and cast this world behind us.  With You, the Anointed, Finds the soul its joy and rest appointed.  Amen.  (Lutheran Service Book, #679, “Oh, How Blest Are They” verse 5)

    Sermon Text

    In Today’s Worship:   What Will Heaven Be Like?  Often we see images of babies floating on clouds, or people with wings playing harps.  Is that what heaven will be like?  Today we look closely at God’s Word and will find some important qualities of heaven.  Although we don’t have an exact idea of what the living conditions will be like, we see what we will be.  We will be thoroughly joyful.  Glory will be revealed to us and in us.  We will be productive.  We will be morally flawless, and our character will be perfect.  All our desires (which will be perfect in heaven) will be fulfilled.  Most importantly, God promises that we will be with Him and finally possess all the blessings God desires for us.